DIGC 310
Comments 2

Can I Make A Board Game?

I‘M A MAKER – I created a draft game-board based on a team member’s rough sketch. She wanted to adapt the game Grow Home into a board game, so she sketched out Snakes and Ladders with robots.

Four players control their robot up a floating mountain (or through a cave system), to reach the home flower at the top of the board, before the other players do. Each robot carries a crystal that can be used to advantage themselves or disadvantage others, based on a card system.

My draft is rudimentary, but I’m comfortable with it not looking good. I know it would be harmful to be a perfectionist during pre-development.

Idea Time:

How I would further develop the Grow Home board game concept:
Each player has their own coloured die (red, blue, green, and yellow), and they’re rolled together into a bowl. All players move, determined by their coloured die, at the same time, than collect a card. All players play a card (or chose not to) on the table to cause an action; either to yourself, or to the other players, or both. Then the turn ends and begins again.

I’m a big fan of Google Ventures idea development process: The Design Sprint. While I’m excited to develop the Grow Home game, I’m interested in applying the design sprint practises to other projects with my skills and qualities.

I am comfortable challenging and providing innovative ideas that either improve, compliment or change the direction.
I have a visual way of thinking – so i’m passionate for design. I can work on conceptual art and help shape the art direction for a game.
I’m interested in filming, producing content, and I’m very passionate about podcasts. I’m even starting one for a separate project called the Dislike Club.

Those are my qualities, so can I make a board game? I’ll find out tomorrow.


  1. Christopher Moore says

    Very interested to read about the Google Design Sprint!

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